NWC1.TXT 26JUN95 ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NetWare Connect 1.0 - NWC001.EXE and NWC002.EXE; Maintenance and Upgrade to v1.0.34 - NWC003.EXE; Maintenance for v1.0.34 and Upgrade to v1.0.42 - NWCWIN.EXE; Remote using Dialcon from Windows - NWCMOD.EXE; Updated Modem Support (AIOMDMS.MDC 4/19/95) - NWCWRT.EXE; Modem Script Writer (Windows) - NWCDRT.EXE; Modem Script Writer (DOS) - NWCRUL.TXT; Rules of Thumb - NWCTIP.TXT; Tech Tips - AIOCUB.EXE; Cubix Driver - AIODGX.EXE; DigiBoard CX driver - AIODIG.EXE; Driver for DigiCHANNEL PC/Xem Boards - AIODX.EXE; Driver for DigiCHANNEL PC/Xe, PC/Xi, MC/Xi - AIOHAY.EXE; Driver for Hayes ESPCA Card - AIOWM2.EXE; Driver WNIM II Board - WINTOO.EXE; The "redirector" files in WINTOO.EXE, should allow you to use any Windows communications application which uses the standard Windows API calls, whether NASI compatible or not.